She's so beautiful!!
Our little princess was blessed this last Sunday. She was such a good little girl the whole day. We were nervous she might not cooperate, but she was amazing! She looked so beautiful in her little dress. Her daddy kept saying, "You look like a little baby ready to get married!" I'm so glad it's not time for that yet! But she did look very pretty in her white dress. Devin did such a good job blessing her! He made me cry! He is such a good Daddy already. I love our little family.
Thanksgiving Point
We went to the Tulip Garden with Alex and Cohen last week. It was so much fun. It's so pretty there! I can't wait til Bryn and Cohen are old enough to play with Alex in the water there! We'll have to go again when they're a little bigger. Cohen is such a smiley happy boy. All he really needs is the grass for entertainment as you can see up above! It's so fun to watch them learn as they explore the world! I'm enjoying every minute with Bryn and I can't wait for all the fun we have ahead of us!