Thursday, January 3, 2013

Back in the Loop

I feel so out of the loop right now! We lived in the basement for 6 months, got insanely busy with moving in/painting/carpeting and then suddenly it was Christmas. Now croup and colds are continuing on and on and on..... I know everyone has been sick a lot this year. It's so very exhausting. I'm hoping when we finally get up and going we still have friends out there cuz I haven't seen any of you for a very long time!!!

Here is a very small update. A lot has happened since July!

Birthday Boy
The best big sister and helper I could ever ask for.....
Getting upset! But I'm not about to stop eating this sucker!

I can't believe Mase is 1 already! He is so much fun. Still not talking much, but reaches and gets into everything. Brynlee is seriously such a big help. In fact she's sick today and Mase has managed to unroll the toilet paper roll 3 diferent times! Ugh. I need her to get better quick. They are both sleeping now and I know I should wake them so they'll sleep tonight, but really? WAKE them?! ALL I ever want is for them to sleep and now I have to wake them?! That's just crazy. Maybe I'll just act surprised tonight when they won't go to bed and leave them to Daddy.... :)

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Happy 4th of July

We kicked off the holiday a couple days before with some fluorescent sparklers! Bryn did much better with them this year! She was a little nervous at first, but then went crazy. My favorite part of this pic is her sweet Jessie pj's. 
We were so happy to have the B's and Grandma Linda join us for the Kaysville Parade! We decided to try it out instead of the Magna Parade since Mase wasn't feeling well. We left him home with Grandpa John.

Bryn was entertaining us all as always! She was pretty much in the middle of the road dancing and waving. She got good at screaming for candy by the end!

We went home to chill for a few and then headed back out for the Kaysville party with free bouncy slides! Poor Mase was getting heat rash the whole time and I didn't have a clue! I'm so not used to having such a warm baby. I never have to worry about him being too cold. Just too hot!

It took a half hour or so for Bryn to warm up but by the end she was loving all the big slides! Her reactions and facial expressions were hilarious! She did not want to leave! We did get her to still long enough to get butterfly eyes painted on her face.
We wore her out so much that she didn't even make it through dinner, let alone fireworks! Too bad. Maybe next year.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

6 Month Old Photoshoot

Ok so Mase just turned EIGHT months, but better late than never, right? We finally made it out to Fotofly! I've been wanting to go forever. I love the price and backdrops, but the bad part is we were squished into a 45 min time slot so there wasn't reallly enough time to do family and kid shots. I think next time I go there I will just do the kids. It was fun though and I like what we were able to get!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

3 Months and 3 Years Already...

 Our little chunk is growing by the second! I can't help but munch on those luscious cheeks!
 His giggle is contagious and I need to post a video of it on here!
 My favorite ones by far!!! I can't I like the beautiful blue eyes best or the smug look with a little bum better?!
(Photo's by Aimee J)
 FIRST HAIRCUT! It only took us 3 years. We went to Cookie Cutters and she loved it. She got to sit on a pink elephant and watch Little Einsteins while they cut it. She did surprisingly well!
 Then off to a movie with Mommy and Daddy. She was great and loved the whole thing! We had a giant theatre almost to ourselves so she had plenty of room to dance through every song.
 Devin's parents took us all to Disney on Ice on Saturday. It was a lot of fun and Brynlee seemed in shock for the first half that her favorite Toy Story characters were really there in front of her! The second half didn't go so well and we didn't make it to the end. :( I think a lot of it had to do with her having a cold on her bday! Bad timing!!!
 On Sunday we had a party at the B's for her and Emma. She got the panda cake she asked for (well, the best her Mom could do!) and loves being with her cousins so this party was one of the highlights of her birthday week!
I can't believe these two cuties are mine and I get to take them home with me every day! Brynlee has become such cute big sister and loves to take care of "Mason Boy". She shares all her toys with him and loves to talk to him and make him giggle. She is such a good helper and always makes me smile. She is so good at reminding me to be happy. "But, it's ok, Mom." This whole calling me "Mom" and not "Mommy" is kind of disturbing, though. "Mom" is my mom, not me!